CANSAS™ – Cabin Area Network System and Services

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Cabin management with a tap: safe, comfortable, modular

One reliable, central control panel for nearly all aircraft functions related to the cabin. This includes cabin illumination, passenger sings and passenger calls, galley and lavatory controls, or cabin functions like fire protection and water waste systems, including the integration of third-party applications. A modern cabin management system bundles all functions and is highly modular and scalable. CANSAS™ by Diehl Aerospace offers everything. Connected in a ring topology, it provides a highly reliable communication backbone that interfaces with all cabin functions. Touchscreens, so-called flight attendant panels, form the main interface of the cabin management to the crew. This is where system information is bundled and represented graphically. CANSAS™ – mature technology and system design with an intuitive simple user interface.

At a glance


  • Improved passenger experience through new functions in the aircraft cabin
  • Optimized crew processes through improved availability of information for cabin and maintenance crew
  • Overall view of the operating status of electrical systems in the aircraft cabin

CANSAS™ – Cabin Network

  • High-speed Gigabit backbone network for data transfer
  • Input/Output Distribution Nodes (IODNs)
  • Attendant Panels
  • Wireless Sensors
  • Distributed system with a flexible, scalable architecture adaptable  to aircraft size and layout of passenger accommodation

CANSAS™ – Cabin Management:

  • Interface management: simple and safe integration of aircraft electrical systems
  • Integration of mobile devices: control of CANSAS™ functions through the crew’s mobile terminal devices Data Analysis


  • Adaptable towards airline specific needs through the integration of third-party applications
  • Universal user interface through web browser interface
  • Fast and easy configuration
  • Integration of new functions after entry into service
  • New cabin functions, e.g. Predictive Health Management
  • High system reliability and failure robustness
  • High computing performance and storage capacity
  • Low power consumption
  • Modularity through standardized components
  • Weight savings through reduced wiring and lower count of line replacement units (LRUs)

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