Diehl Controls
Clean water thanks to electronic systems from Diehl Controls
Tap water is available worldwide, however it is often not potable. Diehl Controls develops technologies for high-quality water purification …
Diehl Controls
Touch-on-Metal: HMI for robust, safe operation
In modern equipment, the trend is increasingly toward metal panels and the desire to seamlessly integrate the HMI (Human Machine Interface) into the metal panel. Here, Diehl Controls offers robust, safe and hygienically clean operation with a new generation of touch-on-metal controls. …
Diehl Controls
Networked HMI solutions made to measure
For the interface between man and machine, Diehl Controls develops customized HMI solutions and offers comprehensive lifecycle services ranging from development and design to manufacturing and assembly. …
Diehl Controls
LIBERTY for sustainable electromobility: Diehl Controls contributes its expertise in the field of electronics
The LIBERTY project comprises a consortium of 16 companies which aims at jointly developing an efficient and durable traction battery for its first and also second life. Diehl Controls contributes its expert knowledge for the development, industrialization and production of electronics. …
Diehl Controls
Heat pumps with Diehl technology allow for climate-friendly heat
By means of a climate-friendly refrigerant as well as Diehl Controls inverter technology, not only a continuously variable heat pump control is possible but also a low-noise and energy-efficient operation …
Diehl Controls
Corona strengthens demand for gesture control
Diehl Controls’ gesture control enables hygienic and wear-free operation of devices, machines or doors. …
Diehl Controls
Diehl Controls is MFi-certified manufacturer for the networked Apple world
Diehl Controls has successfully certified for Apple’s MFi program (Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad). This enables Diehl Controls to produce networked IoT solutions (Internet of Things) for the world of Apple HomeKit to control heating systems, heat pumps or household appliances remotely. …
Diehl Controls
Start in times of Corona. Carsten Wolff, new CEO of Diehl Controls, introduces himself.
In times of Corona our new CEO does not have the opportunity to travel to the different locations of Diehl Controls and introduce himself personally. Therefore the idea was born to send a few words to all employees of Diehl Controls as a video message. …
Diehl Controls
Diehl Controls under new leadership
Dipl.-Ök. Carsten Wolff (48) has been appointed President of the Corporate Division Board of Diehl Controls and member of the Diehl Executive Board effective August 1 this year. …