Reliable tests and independent certification procedures are an essential element in ensuring that products work safely and reliably when used by the customer. With our high quality standard our own test laboratory, the in-house EMC chamber and our certification officers Diehl Controls is consistently geared to ensure that you can rely on us to deliver the best quality of your products. This enables you to launch your products in time and in best quality, while you can completely focus your energy on marketing of your products.


  • Modern quality laboratories and EMC chamber in-house
  • Experienced staff of test engineers
  • System testing of nonstop operation (lifetime test) in different environmental situations (e.g.: temperature, humidity, etc.)
  • Execution of tests according to complexity levels (ALT / HALT / HAST)
  • Monitoring by Data Acquisition System (DAQ) throughout the entire testing period (e.g. electric power, voltage, electric current, temperature, etc.)
  • Global reporting according to ISO IEC 17025 (Standard for test laboratories)
Climate tests:

Extensive test scenarios (e.g.: fatigue test), temperature change cabinet, shock cabinet, climate change cabinet, lifetime test under load (simulates inductive, capacitive or motor load), cycle of operation (e.g.: relay test, switching contact test)

Mechanical tests:

Vibration test with noise profile, sine profile, shock profile, force-displacement measurements, nonstop operation (e.g.: user interface, keyboard, buttons), drop test (e.g.: packaging, products), dynamic and static loading

Further tests:

Impermeability, chemical resistance of liquids, finger abrasion tester, brush and sponge abrasion tester, EMC tests

Support for certification and approval:

TÜV/GS, VDE, UL, CSA, Intertek