
Quality Quality

We want to be our customers’ preferred worldwide partner. We can achieve this with high-quality products and services. In dialogue with our customers we analyze their individual requirements and systematically fulfil them.

Our certified quality and environmental management means that we continually put our company to the test. We permanently measure and analyze our performance based on defined criteria, use the results to identify how and where we can optimize, and then systematically implement the necessary changes.

This results in more efficient operational procedures, lower error rates, lower costs, higher levels of customer satisfaction and improved environmental performance. Thanks to this ongoing process of improvement, we were crowned the overall winner of the “Factory of the Year” industry benchmark competition in 2015.

In addition to this, we aim to show that industrial production can go hand-in-hand with a sparing use of natural resources. We satisfy all laws and regulations on environmental protection, thereby ensuring sustainable business activities. We also raise awareness amongst our employees and suppliers on how to conduct business in an environmentally-friendly way.