IZAR@HOME: customer reactivity without straining customer services

In the era of digital communication, consumers expect your customer services to be reachable at all times. They also expect you to intervene urgently whenever there’s a problem. But recent events have forced many utilities to reorganise their teams, with remote working making employees less available to answer customer requests.

Diehl Metering
IZAR@HOME: customer reactivity without straining customer services IZAR@HOME: customer reactivity without straining customer services

In the era of digital communication, consumers expect your customer services to be reachable at all times. They also expect you to intervene urgently whenever there’s a problem. But recent events have forced many utilities to reorganise their teams, with remote working making employees less available to answer customer requests.

Your customer satisfaction is in the balance. What you need is a digital solution that not only makes communication easier; it also provides answers to consumers’ most common questions. And that’s exactly what Diehl Metering offers with IZAR@HOME.

Share your network data

IZAR@HOME is a smartphone app that allows consumers to consult their water and energy consumption, meter and billing information, and to find answers to a wide range of frequently-asked questions.

The solution relies on IZAR radio technology and smart meters to collect data about your network. This wealth of data is what empowers you to boost the efficiency of your network in combination with IZAR data management software. But what if you shared some of that data with your customers? You’d put them in control of their consumption habits. You’d enable them to answer many of their own questions. And you’d help take the strain off your customer services.

Empowerment through information

IZAR@HOME comes with a range of features that help strengthen customer relations and improve customer communication. For you, the benefits are numerous.

  • Fewer calls, fewer complaints: consumers have a wealth of data at their fingertips, including household consumption, consumption forecasts, heating efficiency and their billing history – meaning they won’t need to contact you as much. The knock-on effect for you is less administration and more time for other tasks.
  • Self-managed assistance: IZAR@HOME features a Help Centre that provides answers to consumers’ most common questions. These includes queries about costs and meter readings, as well as tips on how to reduce heating costs. What better way to enable customers to get instant answers 24/7?
  • Direct contact made easy: you can use the app to send out information to consumers in near real time. Urgent push messages, such as frost alerts or leak alarms, will reach consumers immediately, meaning they can react rapidly to prevent potential damage to their homes and your network. And you can also communicate about promotions, crisis management and ongoing activities.

Digital proximity

With IZAR@HOME, consumers benefit from a new range of value-added services and you promote customer proximity. By providing them with a state-of-the-art digital tool, you’ll not only reduce your workload; you’ll also earn yourself a reputation as a cutting-edge and proactive utility who cares about consumers.

In these times where customer contact is more challenging than usual, IZAR@HOME is a win-win solution to consolidate communication and strengthen customer relations.

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