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Sustainability Sustainability

Our Approach

Environmental thinking and action are elementary components of our corporate policy. With our products and technologies, we contribute profoundly to a sustainable future.

Our CEO Dieter Landgraf also prioritizes the issue of sustainability in his own work and emphasizes the importance of sustainable approaches for our business: “Sustainability has to be a focal topic at management level, too. If you simply delegate the issue with the mere expectation of ultimately holding a beautifully designed sustainability report in your hand, you will not do justice to the matter. We have anchored the topic at the decision-making level in the Division Board, where we are responsible for adopting a holistic approach to sustainability. The three pillars – Environment, Social and Governance – should be considered and managed with equal weighting. It is not only the responsible handling of ecological resources that is particularly important to us. Aspects such as occupational health and safety, professional development and the relationship with our employees also take on a central role.”


    At the Corporate Division Metall, we align our sustainability vision with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and we want our actions to contribute to the achievement of these goals. The SDGs form the basis of our mission statement.

    Particularly important aspects include: our ecological footprint, a sustainable value chain, the well-being of our employees, diversity and appropriate management systems. 

    Download the Sustainability Vision of Diehl Metall

  • The SDGs as our guide

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are part of the 2030 Agenda, which was adopted by the United Nations in 2015. They encompass targets in terms of content and timeframe for the socially, ecologically and economically sustainable development of the UN member states. The SDGs represent an important framework not only at a political level, but also in industry.

     Sustainability Development Goals