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Governance Governance

Responsible corporate governance – Our principles of conduct

For us, good corporate governance means aligning our actions to the interests of our various stakeholder groups. Our corporate governance principles are based on integrity and fairness. We aim to operate sustainably by anchoring this multifaceted value system in our strategy. This enables us to comply with external regulations and requirements as well as internal guidelines, while always conducting our business in accordance with ethical principles. This holistic approach to corporate governance is a hallmark of our family-owned business, as reflected in our Corporate Policy.

The Diehl Group as a whole likewise acts in accordance with this philosophy. In our Group-wide “Leadership and Organization” handbook, sustainability forms an integral part our Management Mission Statement.

Corporate Compliance

We attach importance to a working environment in which our employees openly address compliance issues and discuss them both with their managers and with the Compliance Organization. Our goal is to ensure that, through sustained communication, all our employees are made aware of compliance in their day-to-day work. One way of achieving this is through our compliance training sessions that are held with employees at regular intervals.

Should any violations or concerns regarding our Code of Conduct arise, these can be reported at any time to our contact for compliance at the Corporate Division Metall.

In addition, you have the option of contacting the Corporate Compliance Officer (CCO) of the Diehl Group or the neutral, external ombudsman (attorney), who is bound to strict confidentiality. 

Compliance in the Diehl Group

Our four Strategic Business Fields work closely together to jointly drive forward the issue of sustainability. For this purpose, we have implemented an overarching organizational structure.

The Diehl Metall Sustainability Board comprises the CEO of the Corporate Division and Executive Management members of the Strategic Business Fields. Regular meetings are held at this level to focus on our sustainability strategy and make decisions that apply to the entire Corporate Division.

To leverage synergies, share best practices and implement joint sustainability projects, we established the Diehl Metall Sustainability Core Team. The Core Team is made up of experts from the Strategic Business Fields who work in various departments that have a bearing on sustainability. The Core Team members receive continuous training on the topic of sustainability. To name a good example, a Core Team member in the Strategic Business Field Diehl Metal Forgings underwent professional development training to become a certified sustainability manager.

Our organizational structure for sustainability is complemented by the role of Sustainability Coordinator. The Sustainability Coordinator reports regularly to the Board and also directly to the CEO of our Corporate Division Metall, obtains decisions from the Board, and coordinates communication and cooperation within the Core Team.

Diehl Metall takes responsibility for environmental issues, something which is tangibly demonstrated by its longstanding involvement in various environmental initiatives and associations. 

  • European Copper Institute (ECI)

    The  European Copper Institute (ECI)  and its network of national associations in Europe brings the copper industry together to create markets for copper, to ensure fair market access for copper products, and to support the acceptance of the copper industry in society. 

  • Copper Association

    Diehl Metall is a member of the Copper Association (Kupferverband), the voice of the copper industry with European orientation.  The Copper Association, as the representative body of the copper industry, bundles the different technical interests of the copper processing companies.

    The Copper Association provides the copper industry and the entire copper value chain with specific benefits and access to all copper topics through its broad network of industry, downstream users, academia and personal contacts, its events, projects and communication platforms.

  • Metals Pro

    Diehl Metall is a member of Metals Pro (Metalle Pro), an initiative of leading companies in the non-ferrous metal industry.

    The material properties of aluminum, copper, zinc and other non-ferrous metals make the metal-producing and metal-processing member companies of Metals Pro into indispensable climate protectors – thanks to energy efficiency and CO2 savings in production as well as durable and modern products in conjunction with sustainable management and recycling.

  • Umweltpakt Bayern

    Diehl Metall beteiligt sich mit seinem Standort in Röthenbach am Umweltpakt Bayern. Der Umweltpakt Bayern wurde 1995 ins Leben gerufen und ist eine freiwillig geschlossene Vereinbarung zwischen der Bayerischen Staatsregierung und der Bayerischen Wirtschaft.

    Die Bayerische Staatsregierung und die Bayerische Wirtschaft erklären im Umweltpakt ihre nachdrückliche Überzeugung, dass die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen mit Hilfe einer freiwilligen und zuverlässigen Kooperation von Staat und Wirtschaft besser geschützt werden können als nur mit Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

  • econsense

    Diehl Metall participates in the competence program of econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business e.V.

    econsense was established as a non-profit initiative of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) in 2000 and promotes sustainability in industry. The Sustainability Competence Program supports companies in dealing with the growing demands regarding sustainability and creates a space for dialog and networking. Concrete approaches, methods and experiences are exchanged and newly developed across industries. Together with experts, individual topics are regularly examined in detail and in an industrial context, thereby building up competencies.

We use the EcoVadis platform to have our company rated according to sustainability criteria. EcoVadis conducts desktop audits using questionnaires adapted to each company. These examine a company’s processes in the areas of the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Since 2022, we have also taken part in the CDP Rating (Carbon Disclosure Project). Now boasting more than 9,600 rated companies around the globe, the CDP maintains the largest and most comprehensive set of corporate environmental data worldwide and is considered the “gold standard” for environmental reporting (Why disclose as a company – CDP). The CDP questionnaire asks companies about the following topics: their risks and opportunities associated with climate change, corporate governance relating to this, management strategies for reducing GHG emissions, risk management, unlocking potential, and the company’s GHG assessment method and performance.

In addition, we are assessed via the NQC Supplier Assurance platform. This is likewise an online sustainability audit that is widely used in the automotive industry.

These assessments are important in meeting customer requirements. Furthermore, by bringing together different departments to answer the questionnaires, we also raise awareness about sustainability. The assessments help in tracking and benchmarking our progress as well as in communicating transparently on our sustainability processes.

The results of these assessments can then be shared on the relevant platforms with an unlimited number of business partners. This gives all our customers the opportunity to learn about our sustainability processes.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to be given access to our results on these platforms.