For decades people have been using electronics in virtually all areas of life. Therefore, electronic devices must meet a wide range of requirements. High-quality electronics development is characterized by optimal positioning of components, elaborate circuit concepts and perfect routing of conductor paths. In addition, the implementation of ESD concepts and testing points as well as the protection of critical components must be solved carefully.


  • Development of complete high-quality devices, modules and componentry according to ISO-9001 certified processes
  • Technical solutions for individual products or complete systems
  • Detailed simulations of electronic circuits
  • Creation of printed circuit boards with circuit design, wiring diagram, and board layout
  • Focus on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and RF-compatible design
  • Robust, and highly efficient design of control electronics, power electronics and electronic drive units (own patents available)
  • Expertise in high-temperature electronics and thermal management
  • Development of miniaturized electronics with components of size 0201 on multi-layer boards (e.g. 10 layers)
  • Concept for optimal testability in production – design for testing (DFT)
  • Support and execution of product certification and product accreditation
  • Extensive examination and qualification of the electronic systems conducted by internal testing laboratories
Applied technologies (excerpt):

From simple embedded 8 bit controllers up to sophisticated ARM Cortex architecture, analogue circuits (e.g. discrete signal processing, audio, etc.), digital circuits (e.g. discrete logic, DRAM, FPGA, etc.), power electronics (switching regulators, switching power supply (SMPS), inverters), motor control (DC motors, stepper motors, brushless motors (BLDC)), user interface (TFT displays, touch technology), interfaces (USB, CAN, Ethernet, LVDS, etc.), wireless (WLAN, Bluetooth, MIOTY, GSM)