To run IZAR@HOME, consumers will need a smartphone or tablet with a minimum screen size of 4.5 inches. The app runs on the Android™ operating system, minimum 8.0 (Oreo), and on the iOS™ operating system, minimum iOS™ 10.2.
By combining IZAR radio technology with smart meters, you can collect a wealth of data about your network. And that information empowers you to optimize your business. So, what if you allowed your customers to access some of that data – and gave them the power of information?
IZAR@HOME: a win-win solution for utilities and consumers
By combining IZAR radio technology with smart meters, you can collect a wealth of data about your network. And that information empowers you to optimize your business. So, what if you allowed your customers to access some of that data – and gave them the power of information?
The app comes with a range of features that offer consumers different ways to understand their consumption habits and billing information. If you want to customize the app, you can define your own functionalities, activating or de-activating the features below.

Consumers can check their household consumption per day, week, month or year. The app breaks down the data, displaying consumption per capita, allowing comparisons with previous periods, and calculating future forecasts. It’s the transparency your customers need to optimize their behavior while you optimize supply in line with their needs.

The benchmark allows consumers to compare their monthly consumption with a peer group, grading them from A to G in terms of efficiency. You can define your own boundaries for the different categories in terms of kWh.

Using individual household data, IZAR@HOME calculates a yearly and monthly consumption forecast for consumers. They can even consult estimated charges for the year and see how their consumption habits compare with the previous year.

Consumers have full transparency of their return temperature. They can consult the so-called Delta T of their household over the past 12 months, and you can fix a target temperature to help them be more efficient.

Customers can view readings from the individual meter(s) in their home, including current and historical indexes and status information. Simple graphs make consumption data easy to understand, and the app sends out an alert when a potential leak is detected.

Consumers can consult current and previous bills, including total amounts and a breakdown of different components. You can even customize the E-Bill to include extra information, such as the base price, taxes or consumption pricing.

This section of IZAR@HOME provides answers to consumers’ most common questions. These includes queries about costs and meter readings, as well as tips on how to reduce heating costs. You’ll help your customers get answers quickly while reducing calls to your customer service.
Like to try IZAR@HOME?
Contact us now to download and install the app demo version for free.