In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 2. This is the moment when we officially overconsume the planet’s natural resources for the year.
While it marks a slight improvement on last year’s date of July 28, this is partly because of updated data. To save our planet, we must not just flatten the curve but move back the date year after year. And that requires each of us to make an effort to reduce our ecological footprint.
Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by the research organization Global Footprint by comparing the biocapacity of the Earth with humankind’s use of its resources. In other words, for the last 5 months of this year, we will be demanding more from our planet than it can supply. The result is that we are depleting the Earth of its natural resources.
At Diehl Metering, we are committed to empowering a sustainable future for all. One of the most effective ways to reduce the ecological footprint of a company or a city is through a more responsible use of natural resources – and that’s precisely what our smart metering solutions enable. By working closely with our clients, we help them implement solutions that improve the efficiency of their networks and save vital resources.
We also proactively develop sustainable practices within our own company. Diehl Metering is a signatory of Global Compact, the UN’s voluntary initiative to contribute to a sustainable world. We regularly submit our plants and teams for quality audits in a highly regulated sector, seeking to improve all aspects of our business, including production, material selection and recycling, waste reduction and prevention, and engineering strategies focused on longevity. Furthermore, we encourage individual and collective initiatives to change our behaviour and travel habits.
Keeping our teams informed and ecologically aware is a crucial part of becoming more sustainable. In addition to Earth Overshoot Day, we organize initiatives around other significant events such as World Water Day? Waste Reduction Week, Earth Day and Sustainable Development Week. This has inspired our team to take action, which we actively support. For example, our German teams took part in tree-planting initiatives, while our site in Poland organizes clean-up days, and other local teams have organized campaigns to encourage digital sobriety.
We are proud to be part of the solution for moving back the date of Earth Overshoot Day. Join us in helping to change the dynamic so we can collectively ensure the date is moved back further and further every year!
More information on Earth Overshoot Day home - #MoveTheDate.