Diehl Metering
Enhancing our customer experience through virtual tools
As part of our strategy to continually strengthen our digital offer, we have developed two virtual tools to enhance the customer experience. The Virtual Factory Tour and Virtual Showroom offer you remote access to Diehl Metering’s sites and products. …
Diehl Metering
IZAR proves its scalability in Amiens
For ten years, Diehl Metering has been working closely with the Amiens metropolitan area in northern France to gradually scale up its solutions and continually bring new improvements to its water network. …
Diehl Metering
Sharing our commitment to sustainability in Microsoft’s Technology Record magazine
The Spring 2022 issue of Microsoft’s Technology Record has just been released. Our teams are delighted to have this opportunity to share an array of solutions and inspirations for a more sustainable future. …
Diehl Metering
Enabling customer-centric innovations in District Heating
By implementing a fixed network and supporting an innovative “motivation tariff”, Diehl Metering has helped Danish utility Brønderslev Forsyning A/S to reach new highs in energy efficiency. …
Diehl Controls
Diehl Controls: Doing what it can for its employees and their families
Solidarity has always been a key value for Diehl Controls. That is why the technology company is getting actively involved in aid campaigns in Germany and Poland for civilians in Ukraine, as well as refugees fleeing the war there. …
Diehl Defence
Diehl Defence and HENSOLDT are enhancing the performance of their existing ground-based air defence systems
Products for protection against new threats available at short notice …
Diehl Metering
New brochure highlights SHARKY 775’s unique combination of flexibility and performance to drive your energy efficiency use cases
The SHARKY 775 is Diehl Metering’s ultrasonic energy meter for heating and cooling applications. Thanks to its multiple connectivity options and long-lasting performance, the meter continually transmits a wealth of precise data to drive your distribution network’s energy efficiency to new heights. …
Diehl Aviation
Diehl Aviation an Forschungsprojekt für klimaneutrales Fliegen beteiligt
Auf dem Weg zum klimaneutralen Fliegen: BMWK fördert Projekt zur Weiterentwicklung der Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Technologie …
Diehl Aviation
Diehl Aviation participates in a research project for climate-neutral flying
On the path to climate-neutral flying: German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK) funds a project to develop hydrogen fuel cell technology further …