Diehl Metering has published its Sustainability Report, available now in digital format. The report explains in concrete terms what we are doing to help shape a fairer, more ethical and more responsible future in line with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sustainability has been a priority for a long time at Diehl Metering. Today it is a core part of our identity, as we work with customers, communities and partners to empower a sustainable future for everyone. In our new Sustainability Report, you can discover the actions we are taking to make this happen.
In 2021, we became an official signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the voluntary initiative that sets out 10 sustainable business principles in 4 key areas. In the report, you’ll learn what we are doing in each of these areas – Human rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-corruption – and how our company is making a difference.
You can also read about our own 7 Priority Programs. These measures are our key drivers to ensure sustainable and ethical growth alongside our business partners. They cover the following topics: innovation to support our customers; sustainable supplier management; using eco-design to manage the whole lifecycle of our products and solutions; local supply and local production; responsible resource management in our plants; and how we invest in the long-term future of you, our team members.
The report provides a snapshot of what we have put in place so far – and how we will continue to strengthen our efforts in all areas of sustainability.