HYDRUS 2.0 BULK: our first ultrasonic bulk meter

In 2008, Diehl Metering’s HYDRUS led the way as the first ultrasonic water meter on the market. Today, the HYDRUS 2.0 BULK is our first bulk meter to integrate ultrasonic measuring technology, combining lifetime precision with cutting-edge connectivity.

HYDRUS 2.0 BULK: our first ultrasonic bulk meter HYDRUS 2.0 BULK: our first ultrasonic bulk meter
Diehl Metering

In 2008, Diehl Metering’s HYDRUS led the way as the first ultrasonic water meter on the market. Today, the HYDRUS 2.0 BULK is our first bulk meter to integrate ultrasonic measuring technology, combining lifetime precision with cutting-edge connectivity. For water utilities, the benefits include reliable billing, reduced costs and peace of mind.

Equipped with four transducers and two measuring paths, the HYDRUS 2.0 BULK delivers the highest standards of metrological precision. It can measure extremely low and high flow rates in water networks and has an approved dynamic range of up to R1000. Furthermore, its static free-flow design and IP68 classification mean the meter is resistant to sand, dust and flooding. Combined with a battery life of up to 16 years, this ensures lasting precision and reliability.

The other flagship feature of HYDRUS 2.0 BULK is its integrated connectivity, which supports a wide range of technologies (M-Bus, L-Bus, Pulse, etc.). As part of an AMI solution, it transmits multiple types of data in tandem with smart domestic meters to offer real-time information about flow rates, device status, and water losses. Utilities can then use this data to build up a comprehensive overview of their distribution network – empowering them to optimize costs, save resources, and reduce Non-Revenue Water.

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