Two Diehl Metering members have recently been appointed to important industry positions. In December 2021, Annette Geuther, our Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, became a member of the Executive Board for the mioty® alliance, which aims to further mioty® technology as a worldwide IoT connectivity standard. Also in December, Ulrich Eff, our Head of Associations & Alliances, was elected to the Executive Board of the OMS-Group, which paves the way for interoperable metering around the world.
Annette Geuther, who is also a Member of the Division Board at Diehl Metering, brings a wealth of business experience to the 6-member board of the mioty® alliance. The alliance exists to promote the development and adoption of mioty®, a next-generation wireless communication technology that combines reliable data transfer with low power and a capacity to support long-range networks. This makes it a highly effective solution for Massive IoT in a range of different sectors, including smart metering. Diehl Metering is a founding member of the alliance.
On the Executive Board of the OMS-Group, Ulrich Eff succeeds Diehl Metering’s Hermann Trottler, Manager International Systems, who served on the board for 18 years, since the very beginning of the OMS-Group. With more than 30 years of experience in metering for water and thermal energy, Ulrich Eff is already an active member of several associations and standardization bodies. His vast experience should prove valuable to the board, as it supports the organization to promote interoperable and future-proof communication standards for the metering sector.