Diehl MeteringVirksomhedskommunikation Pressemeddelelse
Velkommen til vores nye CSO Annette Geuther - og tak til Jean-François Marguet for hans tjeneste
Efter mere end 30 års tjeneste hos Diehl Metering, vil Jean-François Marguet gå på en velfortjent pension. Hans efterfølger som Chief Sales Officer vil være Annette Geuther, der medbringer et væld af erfaring inden for international salgsledelse til Diehl Metering-virksomhedsdivisionen. …
Diehl MeteringPressemeddelelse
Reiner Edel succeeds Thomas Gastner as CFO of Diehl Metering
After 8 years as CFO of Diehl Metering, Thomas Gastner is taking up a new challenge within the Diehl Group. He will be succeeded by Reiner Edel, who has a wealth of professional experience in finance. …
Diehl MeteringPressemeddelelse
IZAR: a solution 100% suited to social distancing
By digitising meter reading, IZAR enables utilities to adapt to the current climate. There is no longer any need to make customer appointments – which means you eliminate physical interaction and the need to touch any devices. …