IoT Network Implementation Service

IoT Network Implementation Service IoT Network Implementation Service

We build up your network with our IoT network implementation service

Why do you need an IoT network?

A well-implemented IoT network enable you to:

  • Unlock new and forward-looking opportunities through data-driven insights and analytics, as well as the ability to use networked devices
  • Improve your responsiveness and quality of service for your customers and citizens
  • Discover new efficiencies and simplify your day-to-day work

Digitalisation has become indispensable for cities, utilities and industrial companies.

Your challenges – Implementing an IoT network can be complex

Without in-depth expertise, professional site planning and assembly is a big challenge

  • Site acquisition – obtaining suitable sites or enquiring at existing radio sites
  • Authorisations – the handling of necessary government authority processes
  • Site planning and implementation – Diehl Metering will help you set up a future-oriented, bi-directional concept for your sites

The Implementation of your own network solution

Your network implementation is definitely within reliable control when you choose our service. After finishing and executing commonly the IoT network planning service, we would be pleased to be your helping hand when it comes to implementing and setting up the IoT network, we have planned for you.


Diehl Metering will support your team individually during the rollout of your IoT network development projects – e.g. by implementing on-site antenna solutions – and will ensure their correct functionality. We take care to make sure that your planned network becomes reality and you can integrate your desired IoT services into it to derive the best possible benefit from them.

How our Service works