
HYDRUS BULK is a static, ultrasonic water meter designed for highly accurate measurement of water. It’s unique design ensures no measurement of air, is insensitive to sedimentation, and allows for long-term stability, even under the most difficult conditions.


  • Sizes 2" - 8"
  • Extreme low-flow accuracy and long term measurement stability
  • Meets or exceeds C715 AWWA/ANSI Standards for type I and type II meters
  • Complies with NSF/ANSI/CAN Standards 61 and 372, Annex F/G as well as FCC part 15 B
  • Battery lifetime of up to 20 years and maintenance-free operation over the entire installation period
  • Cast iron, epoxy coated body
  • IP68
  • Installation in any position, no calming sections required
  • Diehl extended encoder protocol that includes temperature, alarms and error messages, etc.
  • 42 days of hourly data storage
  • General Technical Data
    Potable water temperature°F33 ... 122
    Ambient operating temperature°F-13 ... 131
    Ambient storage temperature°F-13 ... 158 (>95°F max. for up to 4 weeks)
    Maximum operating pressurepsi175
    Power supply3.6 VDC lithium battery
    Battery lifetimeup to 20 years
    Encoder interface9 digit programmable resolution industry standard encoder protocol, ASCII output for compatibility with all AMR/AMI systems, Diehl extended protocol is available
    Data storageAlarms and consumption values (42 days of hourly data)
    Protection classIP68
  • Technical Data Display
    Display indicationLCD, 9-digit, additional symbols/display counter/unit
    UnitsFlow and volume (GPM, gal, ft³)
    Values displayedDisplay test - total volume - firmware version / checksum - current flow - errors / alarms (Additional values based on configuration)
    AlarmsHardware flow - leak detection - backflow - air in pipe - low battery - undersized meter - no consumption - high temperature - freezing risk
  • Approval
    NSFComplies with NSF/ANSI Standard 61, Annex F/G
    AWWAMeets or exceeds applicable sections of the AWWA/ANSI C715 Standards
    FCCComplies with FCC part 15 B
  • Material
    BodyCast iron, epoxy coated
    Register housingEngineered polymer
  • Technical Data
    Lay lengthinch10"7.879.8411.8113.78
    Operating flow rangegpm2.5 - 2507.5 - 50010 - 100020 - 190040 - 2800
    Low flow rangegpm0.2 - 2.50.35 - 7.50.65 - 101.37 - 202.75 - 40
    Starting flowgpm0.1410.3170.4840.6600.969
    Operating range accuracy%±1.5±1.5±1.5±1.5±1.5
    Low flow range accuracy%±5±5±5±5±5
    Pressure losspsi2.8@250 gpm5.5@500 gpm2.1@1000 gpm4.8@1900 gpm4.5@2800 gpm

  • Dimensions
    Lay lengthinch10"7.879.8411.8113.78
    Register lengthL1inch3.
    Register widthB1inch5.
    Register heightH2inch2.
    Flange diameterDinch6.257.591113.5
    Hole circle diameterKinch4.567.59.511.75
    Number of screw holespcs24888
    Screw hole diameterD1inch3/43/43/47/87/8
    Net weightlbs.22283875110
    *2" has oval flanges.